FEA alert: 45 and 180-day extensions for disaster areas in New Jersey and West Virginia
The IRS has issued extension Notices for the following disaster areas (the Covered Disaster Areas) for storms beginning on March 12...
California to reconsider anti-1031 provisions
California reconsiders anti-1031 provisions in latest bill enabling hundreds of California companies to reinvest in their businesses.
FEA, industry groups appeal to sponsor of California Assembly Bill 2640
Read the content of a letter from industry groups as they appeal to the sponsor of California Assembly Bill 2640.
Rev. Proc. 2010-14: are you eligible? If so, how should you proceed?
On Friday, Sam Smith posted a brief note on I.R.S Revenue Procedure 2010-14. This new RevProc offers important ...
California Assembly Bill 2640: a very bad idea for the citizens of California
Proposed law, California Assembly Bill 2640, would essentially eliminate a company's ability to use 1031 exchanges.
Trusts & Estates awards Accruit Exchange Manager™ near-perfect score
Trusts & Estates magazine's monthly technology review touted the efficiency and effectiveness of Accruit technology for 1031 Exchanges.