California to reconsider anti-1031 provisions
California reconsiders anti-1031 provisions in latest bill enabling hundreds of California companies to reinvest in their businesses.
FEA, industry groups appeal to sponsor of California Assembly Bill 2640
Read the content of a letter from industry groups as they appeal to the sponsor of California Assembly Bill 2640.
Rev. Proc. 2010-14: are you eligible? If so, how should you proceed?
On Friday, Sam Smith posted a brief note on I.R.S Revenue Procedure 2010-14. This new RevProc offers important ...
California Assembly Bill 2640: a very bad idea for the citizens of California
Proposed law, California Assembly Bill 2640, would essentially eliminate a company's ability to use 1031 exchanges.
Trusts & Estates awards Accruit Exchange Manager™ near-perfect score
Trusts & Estates magazine's monthly technology review touted the efficiency and effectiveness of Accruit technology for 1031 Exchanges.
America's looming macro-succession crisis: Boomers, Xers, Millennials and the future of your workplace
America has a looming macro-succession crisis. Learn more about the future of your workplace as Boomers, Xers, Millennials age into ...